CiQUS launches its Industrial Advisory Board

The Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS) from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) has recently welcomed its Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). During the visit, members of the IAB engaged in various meetings with CiQUS management and its transfer team, toured the facilities, and met with the center’s research and technical staff. The gathering served as an introductory session, allowing the panel of experts to familiarize themselves with the technological developments at CiQUS and exchange insights on best practices in public-private collaboration.

CiQUS Industrial Advisory Board comprises seven distinguished professionals in innovation and transfer. Together with our CEO Carme Pampín, the IAB is completed with Paul Burke (Burke Bioventures LLC), Santiago Domínguez (Bruker & Mestrelab Research), Jesús Castañon (Eli Lilly & Co.), Ben Janeiro (ABCR Labs), Manuel Lolo (AMSlab), and Susana Torrente (AVTE USC). Their extensive experience and broad vision within sectors relevant to CiQUS will now play a pivotal role in shaping the center’s transfer strategy and fostering cooperation with industry.

GalChimia, founded in 2001, was one of the first spin-offs born from the Faculty of Chemistry at USC. Now a consolidated company with international presence, our experience and success will definitely inspire and guide future initiatives for technology transfer from CiQUS. Indeed, in recent years, CiQUS has intensified its efforts to transfer knowledge generated at the center to the industry and society at large, by implementing a valorization model that has strengthened entrepreneurship and relationships with companies and research centers.

In the picture, from left to right: Dolores Pérez (CiQUS), Fernando Casal (CiQUS), Jesús Castañon (Eli Lilly & co.), Carme Pampín (GalChimia), Susana Torrente (AVTE USC), Paul Burke (Burke Bioventures LLC), Ben Janeiro (ABCR Labs), José Luis Mascareñas (CiQUS) & Almudena García (CiQUS).

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