Hotdrops is a FP7 IAPP Marie Curie focused on the development of a high throughput platform based on microfluidics for the screening and selection of naturally thermostable enzymes or enzyme variants from unstable ones to make them suitable for industrial or/and other types of biotechnological applications.

Technology transfer is a key aspect of this project, which includes 19 months of seconded people from companies to academic partners and 18 months of secondments from academic partner to companies. Several workshops was organized during the last 2 years: on “Biotechnology and genetics of thermophiles: from lectures to lab”, “Microfluidics: fundamentals and applications”, and “Innovation and Entrepeneurship”.

GalChimia will recruit an experienced researcher for 1 year in 2016, we will try to find someone with complementary know how, as we could both learnt from each other. From another perspective an exchange will be done between GalChimia and two universities, this mean that 2 people from our company will spend some months at the university and vice versa. Hotdrops is a great opportunity to train on cutting edge technology and in that specific case on biocatalysis.

For any additional information, please contact Ms. Julie Masse