This year GalChimia has decided to update its website. The last version of our website was created in 2010 and at that time we wanted to emphasize the following message: “Chemistry it’s our thing”. Of course that still holds true, but as so many things are changing over the years we also decided to renew our website and work on a new slogan.
The new message we want to transmit in the future is “Chemistry is not the same with or without GalChimia”. As you may know, there are a lot of competitors in our sector and it is sometimes difficult for our customers to understand how to differentiate one from the other. In this new version of the website we want you to understand why it is different to run your chemical project with or without us. InOn the corporate page you will find several testimonies as well as the 10 salient points that make GalChimia different, as defined by our current customers.
We also decided to review the design of our list of services and include an online catalogue, (the catalogue will be ready some time over the next few weeks). You will find a R&D section which contains a description of current ongoing projects; right now we are involved in two European projects (FP7 and H2020) and two regional projects. Our main aim is to expand our knowledge of new technologies, such as enzymatic reactions and bioconjugation using linkers or via specific protocols.
I think the best thing would be for you to take a look at it for yourself!